New series suitable for mobile application where features such as easy handling and transportation, fast commissioning and simple servicing are key. Rugged design with a wide list of option to meet any customer needs worldwide.
The GPW philosophy offers a high degree of versatility and allows for the most suitable configuration to be achieved according to real operational needs: local regulations, site specs, application and usage.The core design and the wide list of modules make the generator adaptable to several specific needs.
Are there special solutions for the GPW Series?
Yes. The GPW series is available in standard and super silent versions lowering noise emissions with the same generator performance.
What are GPW Serie properties advantages?
Designed for mobile application: a basic core configuration is compatible with a wide list of modules, able to cover a large variety of requirements based on specific customer needs, final purpose and local regulations.
• Easy handling and transport
• Several fuel tank available
• Easy service and maintenance
• Cutting edge control panel